Would you like to get more involved?
If the answer is “yes”, there are many opportunities, the choice is yours
- As a customer panel member
- As a communications panel member
- Be a community voice
- By forming a residents group in your area
- Be a mystery shopper and checking out the service we provide
- Be a phone surveyor
- Be a resident board member
- Be a service reviewer
We now offer a variety of training courses for our residents. These are:
- An introduction to basic computing skills
- English reading, writing and spelling
- Basic maths
- Using the internet
- English for speakers of other languages
- Preparing you for college
- Basic drug and alcohol awareness
- Stress management
- How to be more energy efficient in your home
- Building your confidence and assertiveness skills
- Walking the Way to Health – Volunteer Walk Leader training
We also provide a series of workshops where you can learn more about us, the services we deliver to you and how you can get involved. These are:
- Applying for a home
- Your housing team and what they do
- How we run our repairs service
- Improvements to your home
- Involving you and taking your views into account